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Herbert and Whitehurst Farms, 1872
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"Auction Sales – Future Days – By Leigh Bros. & Phelps, Real Estate Auction'rs, corner of Water and Commerce streets: Commissioner's sale of valuable farms and woodland in the vicinity of Norfolk, to be sold without reserve to the highest bidder at the Auction House of Leigh Bros. & Phelps, Norfolk, Va., on Thursday, the 24th cay of October, 1872, at 12 o'clock – By virtue of two decrees in the Circuit Court of the City of Norfolk, in the suits in Chancery of Herbert, et als. vs. McNair, et als, and Herbert vs. Herbert, et als, Hampton Roads Times Magazine
      HamptonRoadsTimes.compronounced on the 16th June, 1871, and 6th July, 1872 I shall sell on the above dated time, the following valuable farms, etc.:
     1st. The old homestead of Col. Ed. H. Herbert, deceased, well known as Level Green, containing 569 acres, 314 of which are cleared and in high state of cultivation, situated on the main road from Norfolk to Kempsville, about seven miles from Norfolk and three-quarters of a mile from a landing on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River.  This is one of the finest estates in Eastern Virginia, and is spoken of in the highest commendations in Ruffin's Agricultural Works.  The improvements consist of a splendid dwelling, containing seventeen rooms and necessary outbuildings, all in good order and built in the most substantial manner.
     2nd. The Whitehurst farm, containing 112 acres immediately adjoining the Level Green Farm on the south and …occupied by Mr. John Wright.  This farm has a comfortable dwelling and outhouses.
     3rd. Woodstock, containing 245 acres, lying immediately on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River adjoining the lands of Col. W.L. Oswald, Dr. Jas. N. McAlpine and others.  This is a valuable tract of land, good soil, well-timbered and admirably suited for trucking purposes.  Its proximity to the city and easy access by land or water make it desirable for such purposes.
     …We call special attention of parties desiring to purchase farms to this sale.  Those at a distance who attend will have the advantage of reduced rates of fare on railroads and steamboats, and have an opportunity of visiting our Virginia and North Carolina Agricultural Fair, regattas, etc.  to take place on the 22d, 23d, 24th and 24th October.
     Terms of sale: Ten percent of the purchase money in cash; fifteen percent in six months; balance on a credit of one and two years, to be secured by bonds, with security, bearing six percent interest, and title retained until purchase money is paid.  Wm. W. Old, Special Commis'r."
(Norfolk Journal, October 8, 1872)


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